About Us
4 Reel Products
In 2004 Peter Bilardello (Captain Pete) founded 4 Reel Services which is an authorized warranty services center for Daiwa, Fin-Nor, Quantum, Zebco, Okuma and a few of the Van Stall collection and a service center for Shimano, Avet, Penn, Pure Fishing brands and Daiwa electric reels.
In 2012 4 REEL Cleaner ® was conceived do to the frustration of the lack of toxin-free maintenance products currently available on the market for the fishing reel industry. Captain Pete an electrical engineer and charter captain decided to develop his own cleaning agent that not only cleans reels, but also rods, tackle, fishing line and so much more!
This specially formulated product he created combines hydrogen peroxide and natural orange oil yielding a truly remarkable, biodegradable, multi – surface cleaner and deodorizer. The hydrogen peroxide oxidizes grit, stains, blood, salts and destroying odors while the natural orange penetrates oil and grease; leaving a pleasant orange scent.
With the success of 4 Reel Cleaner® in 2014, 4 Reel Products was born. Today 4 Reel Products has three new toxins- free products released to the market, 4 Reel Scuba Clean™, 4 Reel Marine Clean™ and RC Cleaner™.
In 2012 4 REEL Cleaner ® was conceived do to the frustration of the lack of toxin-free maintenance products currently available on the market for the fishing reel industry. Captain Pete an electrical engineer and charter captain decided to develop his own cleaning agent that not only cleans reels, but also rods, tackle, fishing line and so much more!
This specially formulated product he created combines hydrogen peroxide and natural orange oil yielding a truly remarkable, biodegradable, multi – surface cleaner and deodorizer. The hydrogen peroxide oxidizes grit, stains, blood, salts and destroying odors while the natural orange penetrates oil and grease; leaving a pleasant orange scent.
With the success of 4 Reel Cleaner® in 2014, 4 Reel Products was born. Today 4 Reel Products has three new toxins- free products released to the market, 4 Reel Scuba Clean™, 4 Reel Marine Clean™ and RC Cleaner™.

"I use top-of-the-line fishing
rods and reels, and work them hard.
After a long day on the saltwater, a quick
spritz with 4 Reel Cleaner®,
followed by a freshwater rinse
helps keep them clean and ready for the next trip.
It’s also a good general-purpose
environmentally-friendly cleaner,
useful for ice chests and for removing fish
blood stains from my boat’s deck...."
By: Captain Tommy Thompson,